Friday, September 24, 2010

Bags at Plain Wayne and Jane, Spiders and a Bag Sighting in Savannah!!!

Secretly for the last two or so years I have been holding my breath waiting and waiting for that first bag sighting.

Low and behold it happened to me here in Savannah and on my daily stroll up Bull Street to the Post Office! It was fate. My bike was stolen a month or so ago and I haven't come across the right one to replace it so I have been hoofing it daily to the post.

This time wondering off my regular route I grabbed a coffee and a paper, read for a bit, stared off into space for more than a bit and then headed back down Bull Street to home. And there she was - a girl walking right at me with one of the original reversible hobos. She bought it in North Carolina at Light Years Boutique and somehow we managed to cross paths down here in Savannah - and on my favorite street no less. Yet another sign I moved to the right place.

By the way I secretly hold my breath waiting for signs I moved to the right place - and usually do not have to wait long for one here. Very creepy!

You can now find bags at Plain Wayne and Jane Boutique in Golden British Columbia - a very cool independently owned shop that carries all kinds of hand made and upcycled goodies. Something tells me they are a whole heck of a lot cooler than me!

Here is a link to their Facebook page - they are using a shot of one of the bags as their profile pic right now - too nice!

Plain Wayne and Jane Boutique

And for those spiders - here is some pottery I have been working on and really am kind of in love with so I thought I would share:

For more pottery shots on flickr...